
Getting started with amoCRM


Creating a connection to amoCRM

There are three required fields when creating a connection to amoCRM – Email, API Key, and Full domain.




Enter the email used for your amoCRM registration. This email can be found in your profile settings –


Enter the API key. This can be found also in your profile settings.


Full domainEnter your amoCRM domain.


Watch Tasks

Obtains a list of tasks with the possibility of filtering and paging.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
LimitMaximum number of returned results during one execution cycle.
Task IDEnter the task ID if needed.
Rows limitThe maximum number of rows that can be selected.
OffsetSet from the which row to select. Row limit must be set.
Related object IDEnter the ID of a related object.
ResponsibleFilter by the responsible person for the task. Select the person.
OffsetSet the offset if required.

Watch Events

This instant trigger monitors amoCRM for selected changes (events).

1. Add a webhook with your amoCRM connection.

2. Use checkboxes to select the events you want to watch.


    3. Save the dialog and run the scenario.

4. Now you are watching amoCRM for changes as selected above.


Create a Lead

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
NameEnter the lead name.
Responsible user
Set the responsible user for the entry.
PipelineSelect a pipeline you want to create the lead in.
Created by
Select the user who created the entry.
Created at
Enter the date when the entry was created. List of supported date formats.
Updated at
Enter the date when the entry was updated. List of supported date formats.
SaleEnter the deal budget.
TagsIf you want to specify new tags, list them inside the string variable, separated by commas. If you need to attach existing tags, pass an array of numeric id values for existing tags.
ContactsAssign contacts for the new lead.
Company IDSelect the company ID.
Custom fieldsAdd a custom field if needed.

Create Leads

Allows you to create multiple leads.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.

Here you can enter one or more leads you want to create.

Click the Add item button and follow the Create a lead instructions.

Get Lead Info

Retrieves all available lead information

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Lead IDSelect the lead you want to get information about.

Get Leads

Retrieve leads by specified filter settings.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Lead IDFilter results by one lead ID, list of comma-separated lead IDs, or array of leads from another module
Search Query
Enter the search term you want to filter results by.
Set the maximum number of leads Integromat will return during one execution cycle.
Responsible UserSelect or map the user to filter results by.
PipelineSelect or map the ID of the pipeline to filter results by.
Lead Status IDSelect or map the ID of the lead status to filter results by.
OffsetShift the selection (from which row to choose). Works only if Rows Limit is also specified.

Update a Lead

Updates an existing lead.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
LeadSelect the lead you want to update.
Select a pipeline containing the selected lead.
Select the status of the lead
Updated at
Enter the date when the entry was updated. List of supported date formats.
Unlink contacts
Select the contact(s) you want to unlink from the lead.
Unlink company
The ID of the company to be uninstalled.
NameEnter the desired name of the lead.
Responsible userSet the responsible user for the lead.
Created byThe ID of the user who created the lead.
Created atEnter the date when the lead was created. List of supported date formats.
SaleEnter the budget of the lead.


Create a Contact

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Company ID
Enter the company ID.
NameEnter the name of the contact to be added. This field is mandatory.
Responsible user
Set the responsible user for the entry.
Created by
Add the user who created the entry.
Created at
Set the date when the entry was created. List of supported date formats.
Updated at
Set the date when the entry was updated. List of supported date formats.
LeadSelect the lead from the drop-down menu.
TagsEnter a tag.
Custom fieldsAdd a custom field if required.

Create a Company

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
NameEnter the company name.
Responsible user
Set the responsible user for the entry.
Created by
Select the user who created the entry.
Created at
Enter the date when the entry was created. List of supported date formats.
Lead ID
Select the Lead ID.
Customer IDSelect the Customer ID.
Contact IDSelect the Contact ID.
TagsEnter a tag.
Custom fieldsAdd a custom field if needed.

Create Contacts

This module allows you to create multiple contacts at once.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.

Here you can enter one or more contacts that you want to create.

Click the Add item button and follow the Create a contact instructions.

Get Company Info

Retrieves details about the company.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Company IDSelect the company or map the ID of the company you want to retrieve details about.

Get Contacts

Retrieves contacts by the specified filter settings.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Contact IDSelect the contact you want to retrieve details about.
Responsible IDSelect the responsible person to filter results by.
Search QueryEnter the search term you want to filter results by.
LimitSet the maximum number of contacts Integromat will return during one execution cycle.
OffsetShift the selection (from which row to choose). Works only if limit_rows is also specified

Get Customers

Use this module to get the customer list.

Your profile must contain customers otherwise this module returns error 400. Customers are not available when using the free trial account! The Recurring purchases (Settings > General settings) option must be enabled.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Customer ID
Select the element with the given ID (If this parameter is specified, all the others are ignored).
Rows limit
Set the limit of rows that can be selected.
OffsetSelection reference (from which row to choose). Works only if limit_rows is also specified.
Responsible user
Select one or more responsible user(s).
The date from which to start the selection. Use format MM/DD/YYYY.
The date to which you want to end the selection. Use format MM/DD/YYYY.
Next date from
The next date from which to start the selection. Use format MM/DD/YYYY.
Next date to
The next date to which you want to end the selection. Use format MM/DD/YYYY.
TypeFilter the list by type.

Get Contact Info

Retrieves information for a selected contact.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Contact IDSelect the contact you want to retrieve information about.

Update a Contact

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Select a contact to update.
NameEnter the contact name.
Responsible user
Set the responsible user for the entry.
Created by
Select the user who created the entry.
Created at
Enter the date when the entry was created. List of supported date formats.
Updated at
Enter the date when the entry was updated. List of supported date formats.
Leads IDSelect the Lead ID
TagsEnter a tag.
Company ID
Select a company ID from the drop-down menu.
UnlinkUnlink lead, company or customer if needed.

Update a Company

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Company ID
Enter a company ID.
NameEnter the contact name.
Responsible user
Set the responsible user for the entry.
Created by
Add the user who created the entry.
Created at
Enter the date when the entry was created. List of supported date formats.
Leads ID
Select the Lead ID.
Customers IDSelect the Customer ID.
TagsEnter a tag.
Custom fieldsAdd a custom field if needed.


Get Task Info

Retrieves available task information.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Task IDEnter the task ID of the task you want to get information about.


Get Tasks

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Task ID
Enter the ID of the task.
Rows limit
Set the limit of rows that can be selected.
OffsetSelection reference (from which row to choose). Works only if the Rows limit is also specified.
Related object IDAn additional search filter, according to the ID elements of the entity.
Responsible user
Select one or more responsible user(s).
Object type
Obtains information by the type of the specified entity (lead/contact/company/customer)

Update a Task

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Select the task you want to update.
TextEnter the updated text.
Updated at
Enter the date when the entry was updated. List of supported date formats.
Responsible user 
Set a responsible user for the entry.
Tak completed
Set Yes if the task has been already completed.
Due dateEnter the due date for the task. List of supported date formats.


Create a Task

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Element type
Select an element type from the drop-down menu.
Task type
Select the task type you want to create.
Enter the text of the new task.
Created at
Enter the date when the entry was created. List of supported date formats.
Updated at
Enter the date when the entry was updated. List of supported date formats.
Responsible user
Select the responsible user from the drop-down menu.
Created bySelect the user who created the task.
Task completed
Use the radio buttons to set the status of the task.
Due dateEnter a required due date for the task.


Create a Note

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
ElementEnter the element ID.
Element type
Select the element type for the note you want to create.
Note type
Select the event you want to create a note for.
Enter the new text of the updated note.
Created atEnter the date when the entry was created. List of supported date formats. Use the TIMESTAMP variable.
Updated at
Enter the date when the entry was updated. List of supported date formats.
Responsible user 
Set a responsible user for the entry.
ParamsDefine parameters if needed.

Update a Note

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Note ID
Enter the note ID.
ElementEnter the element ID.
Element type
Select the element type containing the note you want to update.
Note type
Select the event you want to update.
Enter the new text of the updated note.
Created atEnter the date when the entry was created. List of supported date formats.
Updated at
Enter the date when the entry was updated. List of supported date formats.
Responsible user 
Set a responsible user for the entry.


Define parameters if needed.

Get Notes

Retrieves note by the specified filter settings.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Enter the ID of the note you want to retrieve.
TypeSelect the type the entity the note is associated with.
Element IDEnter the unique identifier of the entity element to filter results by.
Modified SinceFilter notes that have been changed from a specific date. The list of supported date and time formats.
Note TypeSelect the contact or lead to filter results by. 
ParametersSpecify the parameters to filter results by.
LimitSet the maximum number of notes Integromat will return during one execution cycle.


Get Account Info

Retrieves an account's details.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.

Get Products

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
Product ID

Select the Product ID of the item from the catalog.

Catalog ID

Select what catalog you want to retrieve products from.

Search term

Enter the name of the item you are searching for.


Link Entities

Creates links between entities. It allows you to connect catalog items and entities.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
FromSelect the entity you want to link to.
From IDEnter the ID of entity item.
ToSelect the linked entity (catalog_elements).
Catalog elementSelect the item you want to link.
From catalogSelect the catalog from which you want to create a link.
To catalogSelect the catalog you want to create a link with.
QuantityQuantity of linked items.

Unlink Entities

Deletes links between entities.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.
FromSelect the entity you want to remove the link from.
From IDEnter the ID of entity item.
ToSelect the linked entity (catalog_elements).
Catalog elementSelect the item you want to unlink.
From catalogSelect the catalog from which you want to delete the link.
To catalogSelect the catalog you want to delete the link with.
QuantityQuantity of linked items.

Shorten a Link

Creates a shortlink.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.

Select the entity you want to remove the link from.

URLEnter the URL you want to create a short link for.

Define properties by which the link is formed.

Contact ID
Enter the ID of the contact to which the link will be sent.

Make an API Call

Allows you to perform a custom API call.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your amoCRM account.

Enter a path relative to E.g. /v2/leads

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the amoCRM API Documentation.

Select the HTTP method you want to use:

to retrieve information for an entry.

to create a new entry.

to update/replace an existing entry.

to make a partial entry update.

to delete an entry.

HeadersEnter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.
Query StringEnter the request query string.
BodyEnter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - List Leads

The following API call returns the list of all leads in your amoCRM account:


Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under BundleBody > _embedded > items. 
In our example, 5 leads were returned:


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