Facebook Custom Audiences

The Facebook Custom Audiences modules enable you to create a custom audience and add emails or users to the custom audience in your Facebook Ad account.

Getting Started With Facebook Custom Audiences


In order to use Facebook Offline Conversions with Integromat, it is necessary to have a Facebook account and a Facebook Business Manager account. 

The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Integromat scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Facebook to Integromat

1. To connect your Facebook account to Integromat, follow the general instructions for Connecting to services.


2. After you click the Continue button, Integromat will redirect you to the Facebook website where you will be prompted to grant Integromat access to your account.


3. Confirm the dialog by clicking the OK button.


Create a Custom Audience

Creates a custom audience.

If the following error is returned, you will need to go to the URL provided and accept the Custom Audiences Terms.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Facebook account.
Business ManagerSelect the Business Manager that contains the ad account you want to use.
Ad AccountSelect the ad account where you want to create a custom audience.
NameEnter a name for the new custom audience.
DescriptionEnter the description of the custom audience.

Add Emails to a Custom Audience

Adds users with email matches to a custom audience.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Facebook account.
Business ManagerSelect the Business Manager that contains the ad account you want to use.
Ad AccountSelect the ad account where you want to create a custom audience.
Custom AudienceSelect the custom audience you want to add the users' emails to.
EmailsAdd emails to the custom audience.

Add Users to a Custom Audience

Adds users with multiple details to the custom audience.

You can add an unlimited number of records to an audience, but there is a maximum of 10,000 at a time. It may take up to 1 hour before Facebook adds users to an audience.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Facebook account.
Business ManagerSelect the Business Manager that contains the ad account you want to use.
Ad AccountSelect the ad account where you want to create a custom audience.
Custom AudienceSelect the custom audience you want to add users to.

Add user data to the custom audience. Each added item represents one user.

EmailEnter the email address.
PhoneRemove symbols, letters, and any leading zeroes. You should add the country code prefix if the Country field is not specified (below).
GenderSelect the gender of the user.
Birth yearEnter the birth year in the YYYY format, from 1900 to the current year.
Birth monthEnter the birth month in the MM format (01 - 12).
Birth dayEnter the birth date in the DD format (01 - 31).
First nameEnter the first name. Use a-z only. No punctuation. Special characters in UTF-8 format.
Last nameEnter the last name. Use a-z only. No punctuation. Special characters in UTF-8 format.
First name initialEnter initials of first name. Use a-z only. Special characters in UTF-8 format.
StateEnter the 2-character ANSI abbreviation code. Specify states outside the U.S. in lowercase, with no punctuation, no special characters, and no white space.
CityEnter the user's city. Use a-z only. No punctuation. No special characters.
ZIPEnter the ZIP code. Use only the first 5 digits for U.S. Use Area/District/Sector format for the UK.
CountryEnter the 2-letter country code (lowercase) in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
Mobile advertiser IDEnter the mobile advertising ID. (Apple's Advertising Identifier/IDFA, Android's Advertising ID, Facebook App User IDs).
External IDEnter the custom identifier.




Failed to Add/Update a Custom Audience - Error "2650"

Issues: While adding users using the Add Emails/Users to a Custom Audience module, it returns the following error:

  •   Error "2650" 
  •   Failed to Update Custom Audience
  •   (#2650) Failed to update the custom audience: This audience was created from data source FILE_IMPORTED.MULTI_HASHES, which does not support data source FILE_IMPORTED.HASHES_OR_USER_IDS. (2650, OAuthException )



Reason: Facebook Custom Audiences won't let Integromat add emails or users unless the Custom Audience were created by Integromat. This error indicates that the selected Custom Audience wasn't created by Integromat, but by another platform or via manual upload.



  1. Create a custom audience from Integromat using Create Custom Audience or other modules using a scenario. 
  2. Now go back to your previous scenario, and add your member to that newly created custom audience.

If you continue to receive this response, you may need to accept Facebook Custom Audience Terms and Condition in each of your ad accounts. You can follow the steps below.


Facebook Ad Account:

1. Open your Facebook’s Custom Audiences Terms.
2. Select your Ad Account under the Account dropdown.
3. Click Accept.
4. Open your Facebook’s Business Tools Terms.
5. Select your Ad Account under the Account dropdown.
6. Click Accept.

Business Manager Account:



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