The MOCO modules allow you to monitor, create, update, retrieve, list, and delete the activities, contacts, Comments, companies, invoices, invoice payments, leads, presence, projects, project tasks, project expenses, purchases, purchase categories, offers, and users in your MOCO account.

Getting Started with MOCO


  • A MOCO account

In order to use MOCO with Integromat, it is necessary to have a MOCO account. If you do not have one, you can create a MOCO account at

The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Integromat scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting MOCO to Integromat

To connect your MOCO account to Integromat you need to obtain the API Key from your MOCO account and insert it in the Create a connection dialog in the Integromat module.

1. Log in to your MOCO account.

2. Click your account profile icon > Profile > Integrations.


3. Copy the API Key to your clipboard.


4. Go to Integromat and open the MOCO module's Create a connection dialog.


5. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

6. In the API Key field, enter the API key copied in step 3.

7. In the Subdomain field, enter your MOCO account's domain details. For example, if your MOCO account's URL address is then your subdomain is xyz8. Click Continue.

The connection has been established.


You do not have to add the webhooks in the MOCO as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Watch New Activity

Triggers when a new activity is created.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.


You do not have to add the webhooks in the MOCO as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Watch New Contact

Triggers when a new contact is created.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.

List Contacts

Lists all existing contacts.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
TermEnter the full text to search contacts that match the specified term. For example, full namefirst namework emailcompany, and so on.
PhoneEnter (map) the phone number to search the contacts with the specified phone number.
TagsEnter the tags to search for the contacts that match the specified tags. You can add multiple tags separated by a comma.
LimitSet the maximum number of contacts Integromat will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Contact

Returns information about the selected contact.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Contact IDSelect or map the Contact ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Contact

Creates a new contact.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
First NameEnter (map) the contact's first name.
Last NameEnter (map) the contact's last name.
GenderSelect or map the contact's gender. For example, male.
TitleEnter (map) the contact's title. For example, Mr.Dr.
Company IDSelect or map the contact's company ID.
Job PositionEnter (map) the contact's job position in the company.
Mobile PhoneEnter (map) the contact's mobile phone number.
Work FaxEnter (map) the contact's work fax number.
Work PhoneEnter (map) the contact's work phone number.
Work EmailEnter (map) the contact's work email address.
Work AddressEnter (map) the contact's work address.
Home EmailEnter (map) the contact's personal email address.
Home AddressEnter (map) the contact's personal home address.
BirthdayEnter (map) the contact's birthday.
InfoEnter (map) any additional information about the contact.
TagsAdd the tags for the contact. For example, leaddeveloper. You can add multiple tags.

Update a Contact

Updates the selected contact.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Contact IDSelect or map the Contact ID whose details you want to update.
First NameEnter (map) the contact's first name.
Last NameEnter (map) the contact's last name.

Select or map the contact's gender. For example, male.

TitleEnter (map) the contact's title. For example, Mr.Dr. 
Company IDSelect or map the contact's company ID.
Job PositionEnter (map) the contact's job position in the company.
Mobile PhoneEnter (map) the contact's mobile phone number.
Work FaxEnter (map) the contact's work fax number.
Work PhoneEnter (map) the contact's work phone number.
Work EmailEnter (map) the contact's work email address.
Work AddressEnter (map) the contact's work address.
Home EmailEnter (map) the contact's personal email address.
Home AddressEnter (map) the contact's personal home address.
BirthdayEnter (map) the contact's birthday.
InfoEnter (map) any additional information about the contact.
TagsAdd the tags for the contact. For example, leaddeveloper. You can add multiple tags.


List Comments

Lists all existing comments.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Commentable TypeSelect the option whose comments you want to list. For example, dealsprojects
Commentable IDSelect the ID for the option selected above.
User IDSelect or map the User ID whose comments you want to list.
ManualSelect whether you want to list the user-created comments.
LimitSet the maximum number of comments Integromat should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Comment

Returns information about the selected comment.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Comment IDSelect or map the Comment ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Comment

Creates a new comment.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Commentable TypeSelect the option whose comments you want to list. For example, dealsprojects
Commentable IDSelect the ID for the option selected above. For example, if you have selected User above, select the User ID.
CommentEnter the comment text.

Update a Comment

Updates the selected comment.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Comment ID Select or map the Comment ID whose details you want to update.
Commentable TypeSelect the option whose comments you want to list. For example, dealsprojects
Commentable IDSelect the ID for the option selected above. For example, if you have selected User above, select the User ID.
CommentEnter the comment text.

Delete a Comment

Deletes a selected comment.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Comment ID Select or map the Comment ID you want to delete.


You do not have to add the webhooks in the MOCO as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Watch New Company

Triggers when a new company is created.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.

List Companies

List all existing companies.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
TypeSelect the company type you want to list. For example, supplierVendor.
TagsAdd the tags to list the companies that match the tags.
IdentifierEnter the company identifier number you want to list.
LimitSet the maximum number of companies Integromat should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Company

Returns information about the selected company.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Company IDSelect or map the Company ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Company

Creates a new company.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
NameEnter the company name.
TypeSelect or map the company type and enter the specific details.
CurrencyEnter (map) the company's applicable three-character currency code. For example, EUR. By default EUR currency is available. To add a different currency, see Adding Multiple Currencies in Your MOCO Account.
Country CodeSelect or map the country in which the company is located.
VAT IdentifierEnter (map) the company's VAT identifier.
WebsiteEnter (map) the company's website URL address.
FaxEnter (map) the company's fax number.
PhoneEnter (map) the company's contact phone number.
EmailEnter (map) the company's contact email address.
Billing Email CCEnter the company's billing email address.
AddressEnter (map) the company's contact address.
InfoEnter the details about the company.
Custom PropertiesAdd the custom fields and their values for the company. For example, company billing address.
LabelsAdd the labels for the company. For example, Automobile. You can add multiple labels.
User IDSelect the User ID who is the contact person for the company.
FooterEnter the information that appears in the footer of the company's invoice.

Update a Company

Updates the selected company.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Company IDSelect the Company ID whose details you want to update.
NameEnter the company name.
TypeSelect or map the company type and enter the specific details.
CurrencyEnter (map) the company's applicable three-character currency code. For example, EUR. By default EUR currency is available. To add a different currency, see Adding Multiple Currencies in Your MOCO Account.
Country CodeSelect or map the country in which the company is located.
VAT IdentifierEnter (map) the company's VAT identifier.
WebsiteEnter (map) the company's website URL address.
FaxEnter (map) the company's fax number.
PhoneEnter (map) the company's contact phone number.
EmailEnter (map) the company's contact email address.
Billing Email CCEnter the company's billing email address.
AddressEnter (map) the company's contact address.
InfoEnter the details about the company.
Custom PropertiesAdd the custom fields and their values for the company. For example, company billing address.
LabelsAdd the labels for the company. For example, Automobile. You can add multiple labels.
User IDSelect the User ID who is the contact person for the company.
FooterEnter the information that appears in the footer of the company's invoice.


You do not have to add the webhooks in the MOCO as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Watch New Invoice

Triggers when a new invoice is created.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.

List Invoices

Lists all existing invoices.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
StatusSelect the status of the invoice you want to list:
  • Draft
  • Created
  • Sent
  • Partially Paid
  • Paid
  • Overdue
  • Ignored
Date FromEnter the date to list the invoices created on or after the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Date ToEnter the date to list the invoices created on or before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.
TagsAdd the tags to list the invoices that match the specified tags. You can add multiple tags separated by a comma.
IdentifierEnter the company identifier whose invoices you want to list.
TermEnter a keyword or phrase to search the invoices that match the specified terms.
LimitSet the maximum number of invoices Integromat will return during one execution cycle.

Get an Invoice

Returns information about the selected invoice.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Invoice IDSelect the Invoice ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create an Invoice

Creates a new invoice.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Customer IDSelect the Customer ID whose invoice you are creating.
Recipient AddressEnter the recipient email address to which the invoice is sent.
DateEnter the date on which the invoice is created. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Due DateEnter the date on which the invoice is due for payment. See the list of supported date and time formats.
TitleEnter a name for the invoice.
TaxEnter the tax applicable to the invoice.
CurrencyEnter the three-character currency code applicable to the invoice. By default EUR currency is available. To add a different currency, see Adding Multiple Currencies in Your MOCO Account.

Add the items to the invoice:

TitleEnter the name of the item.
TypeSelect the item type.
DescriptionEnter the details of the item.
QuantityEnter the number of items.
UnitEnter the measuring unit of the item.
Unit PriceEnter the unit price.
Net TotalEnter the total net price of the items.
Service Period FromEnter the service for the items in the invoice starts from.
Service Period ToEnter the service for the items in the invoice ends on.
StatusSelect the status of the invoice:
  • Created
  • Draft
Change AddressSelect the option to change the address on the invoice:
  • Customer
  • Invoice
SalutationEnter the applicable salutation to the address. For example, MrDr..
FooterEnter the text that appears on the footer of the invoice.
DiscountEnter the discount applicable to the invoice in percenter. For example, for 15% enter 15.
Cash DiscountEnter the cash discount applicable on the invoice.
Cash Discount DaysEnter the number of days the cash discount applicable on the invoice.
Project IDSelect the Project ID associated with the invoice.
TagsAdd the tags for the invoice. You can add multiple tags.

Update an Invoice Status

Updates status of the selected invoice.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Invoice IDSelect or map the Invoice ID whose status you want to update.
StatusSelect the status of the invoice:
  • Created
  • Sent
  • Overdue
  • Ignored

Invoice Payments

List Invoice Payments

Lists all existing invoice payments.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Invoice IDSelect the Invoice ID whose payments you want to list.
Date FromEnter the date to list the invoice payment created on or after the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Date ToEnter the date to list the invoice payments created on or before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.
LimitSet the maximum number of invoice payments Integromat should return during one execution cycle.

Get an Invoice Payment

Returns information about the selected invoice payment.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Invoice Payment IDSelect the Invoice Payment ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create an Invoice Payment

Creates a new invoice payment.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
DateSelect the Invoice Payment ID whose details you want to retrieve. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Invoice IDSelect the Invoice ID whose payment you want to create.
Paid TotalEnter the total invoice amount is to be paid.
CurrencyEnter the applicable currency to the invoice payment. For example, USD. By default EUR currency is available. To add a different currency, see Adding Multiple Currencies in Your MOCO Account.
Partially PaidSelect whether the partial invoice amount is paid.

Update an Invoice Payment

Updates the selected invoice payment.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Invoice Payment IDSelect the invoice payment ID whose details you want to update.
DateSelect the Invoice Payment ID whose details you want to retrieve. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Invoice IDSelect the Invoice ID whose payment you want to create.
Paid TotalEnter the total invoice amount is to be paid.
CurrencyEnter the applicable currency to the invoice payment. For example, USD. By default EUR currency is available. To add a different currency, see Adding Multiple Currencies in Your MOCO Account.
Partially PaidSelect whether the partial invoice amount is paid.

Delete an Invoice Payment

Deletes the selected invoice payment.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Invoice Payment IDSelect the Invoice Payment ID you want to delete.


You do not have to add the webhooks in the MOCO as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Watch New Lead

Triggers when a new lead is created.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.

List Leads

Lists all existing leads.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
StatusSelect the lead's status you want to list:
  • Potential
  • Pending
  • Won
  • Lost
  • Dropped
TagsEnter the tags to list the leads that match the specified leads. You can enter multiple tags separated by a comma.
LimitSet the maximum number of leads Integromat should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Lead

Returns information about the selected lead.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Lead IDSelect or map the Lead ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Lead

Creates a new lead.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
NameEnter the lead's name.
CurrencyEnter the three-character currency code applicable to the lead. By default EUR currency is available. To add a different currency, see Adding Multiple Currencies in Your MOCO Account.
MoneyEnter the amount expected from this lead or deal.
Reminder DateEnter the date to remind the lead. See the list of supported date and time formats.
User IDSelect or map the User ID associated with this lead or deal.
Deal Category IDSelect or map the deal category.
Company IDSelect or map the Company ID with which the lead is associated.
Person IDSelect or map the Person ID associated with the project.
InfoEnter additional information about the 
StatusSelect the status of the lead:
  • Potential
  • Pending
  • Won
  • Lost
  • Dropped

Update a Lead

Updates the selected lead.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Lead IDSelect the Lead ID whose details you want to update.
NameEnter the lead's name.
CurrencyEnter the three-character currency code applicable to the lead. By default EUR currency is available. To add a different currency, see Adding Multiple Currencies in Your MOCO Account.
MoneyEnter the amount expected from this lead or deal.
Reminder DateEnter the date to remind the lead. See the list of supported date and time formats.
User IDSelect or map the User ID associated with this lead or deal.
Deal Category IDSelect or map the deal category.
Company IDSelect or map the Company ID with which the lead is associated.
Person IDSelect or map the Person ID 
InfoEnter additional information about the 
StatusSelect the status of the lead:
  • Potential
  • Pending
  • Won
  • Lost
  • Dropped


You do not have to add the webhooks in the MOCO as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Watch New Presence

Triggers when a new presence is created.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.

List Presences

Lists all presences.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
From DateEnter the date to list the presences created on or after the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.
To DateEnter the date to list the presences created on or before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.
User IDSelect the User ID whose presences you want to list.
LimitSet the maximum number of presences Integromat should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Presence

Returns information about the selected presence.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Presence IDSelect the Presence ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Presence

Creates a new presence.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
DateEnter the date on which you want to create the presence. See the list of supported date and time formats.
From TimeEnter the start time of the presence. See the list of supported date and time formats.
To TimeEnter the end time of the presence. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Update a Presence

Updates the selected presence.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Presence IDSelect the Presence ID whose details you want to update.
DateEnter the date on which you want to create the presence. See the list of supported date and time formats.
From TimeEnter the start time of the presence. See the list of supported date and time formats.
To TimeEnter the end time of the presence. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Delete a Presence

Deletes the selected presence.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Presence IDSelect the Presence ID you want to delete.


You do not have to add the webhooks in the MOCO as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Watch New Project

Triggers when a new project is created.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.

List Projects

Lists all existing projects.

Get a Project

Returns information about the selected project.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Project IDSelect the Project ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Project

Creates a new project.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
NameEnter a name for the project.
CurrencyEnter the three-character currency code applicable for the project. By default EUR currency is available. To add a different currency, see Adding Multiple Currencies in Your MOCO Account.
Finish DateEnter the date on which the project ends. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Leader IDSelect or map the Leader ID who will lead the project.
Customer IDSelect or map the Customer ID associated with the project.
Deal IDSelect or map the Deal ID associated with the project.
IdentifierEnter the project identifier.
Billing AddressEnter the project's billing address.
Billing Email ToEnter the email address to which you will send the project billing.
Billing Email CCEnter the email address to add the CC field of the email.
Billing NotesEnter the text that appears as a billing note.
Setting Include Time ReportSelect whether you want to include the time report in the project.
Billing VariantSelect the option whose billing you want to include. For example, projecttask, or user.
Hourly RateEnter the hourly rate of the billing variant. 
BudgetEnter the budget assigned to the project.
LabelsAdd the labels to the project. For example, implementationhosting.
InfoEnter the additional information about the project.
Custom PropertiesAdd the custom fields and their values for the company. For example, company billing address.

Update a Project

Updates the selected project.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Project IDSelect the Project ID whose details you want to update.
NameEnter a name for the project.
CurrencyEnter the three-character currency code applicable for the project. By default EUR currency is available. To add a different currency, see Adding Multiple Currencies in Your MOCO Account.
Finish DateEnter the date on which the project ends. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Leader IDSelect or map the Leader ID who will lead the project.
Customer IDSelect or map the Customer ID associated with the project.
Deal IDSelect or map the Deal ID associated with the project.
IdentifierEnter the project identifier.
Billing AddressEnter the project's billing address.
Billing Email ToEnter the email address to which you will send the project billing.
Billing Email CCEnter the email address to add the CC field of the email.
Billing NotesEnter the text that appears as a billing note.
Setting Include Time ReportSelect whether you want to include the time report in the project.
Billing VariantSelect the option whose billing you want to include. For example, projecttask, or user.
Hourly RateEnter the hourly rate of the billing variant. 
BudgetEnter the budget assigned to the project.
LabelsAdd the labels to the project. For example, implementationhosting.
InfoEnter the additional information about the project.
Custom PropertiesAdd the custom fields and their values for the company. For example, company billing address

Project Tasks

List Project Tasks

Lists all existing project tasks.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Project IDSelect the Project ID whose tasks you want to list.
LimitSet the maximum number of project tasks Integromat should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Project Task

Returns information about the selected project task.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Project Task IDSelect the Project Task ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Task on a Project

Creates a new task on the selected project.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Project IDSelect the Project ID on which you want to create the task.
NameEnter a name for the task.
BillableSelect whether this task is billable.
ActiveSelect whether the task is active.
BudgetEnter the amount allocated for the task.
Hourly RateEnter the hourly rate assigned for the task.

Update a Project Task

Updates the selected project task.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Project IDSelect the Project ID on which you want to create the task.
Task IDSelect the Task ID whose details you want to update.
NameEnter a name for the task.
BillableSelect whether this task is billable.
ActiveSelect whether the task is active.
BudgetEnter the amount allocated for the task.
Hourly RateEnter the hourly rate assigned for the task.

Delete a Project Task

Deletes an existing project task. Deleting a task on the project is only possible as long as no hours were tracked on this task.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Project Task IDSelect the Project Task ID you want to delete.

Project Expenses

You do not have to add the webhooks in the MOCO as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Watch New Expense

Triggers when a new expense is created.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.

List Project Expenses

Lists all existing project expenses.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Project IDSelect the Project ID whose expenses you want to list.
LimitSet the maximum number of project expenses Integromat should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Project Expense

Returns information about the selected project expense.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Project Expense IDSelect the Project Expense ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Project Expense

Creates a new project expense.on

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Project IDSelect the Project ID for which you want to create an expense.
Title Enter a name for the expense.
DateEnter the date when the project expense is created. See the list of supported date and time formats.
QuantityEnter the number of items that are part of the expense.
Unit Enter the unit applicable for the expense. For example, month.
Unit PriceEnter the unit price applicable for the expense. For example, 30. Default currency in the MOCO settings is applied.
Unit CostEnter the cost price of the units. For example, 19. Default currency in the MOCO settings is applied. Unit cost should be less than the unit price.
DescriptionEnter the details of the expense. For example, hosting.
BillableSelect whether the expense is billable to the client.
Budget RelevantSelect whether the expense is relevant to the budget assigned to the project.
Custom PropertiesAdd the custom fields and their values for the company. For example, company billing address

Update a Project Expense

Updates the selected project expense. Updates are only possible if this entry is not yet billed.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Project IDSelect the Project ID whose expense details you want to update.
Title Enter a name for the expense.
DateEnter the date when the project expense is created. See the list of supported date and time formats.
QuantityEnter the number of items that are part of the expense.
Unit Enter the unit applicable for the expense. For example, month.
Unit PriceEnter the unit price applicable for the expense. For example, 30. Default currency in the MOCO settings is applied.
Unit CostEnter the cost price of the units. For example, 19. Default currency in the MOCO settings is applied. Unit cost should be less than the unit price.
DescriptionEnter the details of the expense. For example, hosting.
BillableSelect whether the expense is billable to the client.
Budget RelevantSelect whether the expense is relevant to the budget assigned to the project.
Custom PropertiesAdd the custom fields and their values for the company. For example, company billing address

Delete a Project Expense

Deletes an existing project expense. Deletions are only possible if this entry is not yet billed.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Project Expense IDSelect the Project Expense ID you want to delete.


List Purchases

List all existing purchases.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Identifier of the PurchaseEnter the purchase ID whose details you want to list.
Category IDSelect the Category ID to list the purchases that belong to the specified category.
TermEnter a word to list the purchases that match the specified terms.
Company IDSelect the Company ID whose purchases you want to list.
StatusSelect the status of the purchase you want to list. For example, pending.
TagsEnter the tags to list the purchases that match the specified tags. You can enter multiple tags separated by a comma.
DateEnter a date range to list the purchases from the specified date range. For example, enter a range in the form 2020-02-01:2020-02-22.
UnpaidSelect whether the purchase is unpaid.
LimitSet the maximum number of purchases Integromat should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Purchase

Returns information about the selected purchase.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Purchase IDSelect the Purchase ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Purchase

Creates a new purchase.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
DateEnter the date of purchase. See the list of supported date and time formats.
CurrencyEnter the three-character currency code applicable to the purchase. By default EUR currency is available. To add a different currency, see Adding Multiple Currencies in Your MOCO Account.
Payment MethodSelect the payment method of purchase. For example, PayPalcash.
ItemsAdd the items purchased:
TitleEnter the name of the item.
TypeSelect the item type.
DescriptionEnter the details of the item.
QuantityEnter the number of items.
UnitEnter the measuring unit of the item.
Unit PriceEnter the unit price.
Net TotalEnter the total net price of the items.
Due DateEnter the date when the purchase payment is due. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Service Period FromEnter the service for the items in the invoice starts from.
Service Period ToEnter the service for the items in the invoice ends on.
Company IDSelect or map the Company ID to which the purchase belongs to.
Receipt IdentifierEnter the receipt number.
InfoEnter the information about the purchase.
IBANEnter the company IBAN details to whom the purchase belongs to.
ReferenceEnter the purchase reference number.
Custom PropertiesAdd the custom field and its values. For example, company address.
TagsAdd the tags to relate to the purchase.
File NameEnter the file name. For example, sample.txt.
File DataEnter or map the file data.

Update a Purchase Status

Updates status of the selected purchase.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Purchase IDSelect or map the Purchase ID whose status you want to update.
StatusSelect or map the status to update the purchase:
  • Pending
  • Approved

Delete a Purchase

Deletes the selected purchase. It is possible only if the status is pending and no payments have been registered.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Purchase IDSelect the Purchase ID you want to delete.

Purchase Categories

List Purchase Categories

Lists all purchase categories.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
LimitSet the maximum number of Purchase Categories Integromat should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Purchase Category

Returns information about the selected purchase category.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Purchase Category IDSelect the Purchase Category ID whose details you want to retrieve.


You do not have to add the webhooks in the MOCO as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Watch New Offer

Triggers when a new offer is created.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.


You do not have to add the webhooks in the MOCO as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Watch New User

Triggers when a new user is created.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.

List Users

Lists all existing Users.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
Include ArchiveSelect whether you want to include archived users in the results.
LimitSet the maximum number of users Integromat should return during one execution cycle.

Get a User

Returns information about the selected user.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
User IDSelect the User ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a User

Creates a new user.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
First NameEnter the user's first name. 
Last NameEnter the user's last name.
EmailEnter the user's email address.
PasswordEnter the user's password.
Unit IDSelect or map the Unit ID (team) to which the user belongs to.
ActiveSelect whether the user is active.
ExternalSelect whether this is an external user.
LanguageEnter the user's native language.
Mobile PhoneEnter the user's mobile number.
Work Phone Enter the user's work phone number.
Home AddressEnter the user's home address information.
BirthdayEnter the user's date of birth. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Custom PropertiesAdd the custom field and its values. For example, alternative email address.
InfoEnter any additional information about the user which you would like to mention.

Update a User

Updates the selected user.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
User IDSelect the User ID whose details you want to update.
First NameEnter the user's first name. 
Last NameEnter the user's last name.
EmailEnter the user's email address.
PasswordEnter the user's password.
Unit IDSelect or map the Unit ID (team) to which the user belongs to.
ActiveSelect whether the user is active.
ExternalSelect whether this is an external user.
LanguageEnter the user's native language.
Mobile PhoneEnter the user's mobile number.
Work Phone Enter the user's work phone number.
Home AddressEnter the user's home address information.
BirthdayEnter the user's date of birth. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Custom PropertiesAdd the custom field and its values. For example, alternative email address.
InfoEnter any additional information about the user which you would like to mention.

Delete a User

Deletes the selected user. Deleting a staff member is only possible if no hours are billed already.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.
User IDSelect the User ID you want to delete.


Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your MOCO account.

Enter a path relative to https://<domain> For example: /v1/companies

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the MOCO API Documentation.

Select the HTTP method you want to use:

to retrieve information for an entry.

to create a new entry.

to update/replace an existing entry.

to make a partial entry update.

to delete an entry.

HeadersEnter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.
Query StringEnter the request query string.
BodyEnter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - List Deals

The following API call returns all the deals from your MOCO account:




Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body
In our example, 2 deals were returned:


Adding Multiple Currencies in Your MOCO Account

1. Log in to your MOCO account.

2. Click the Setting (settings1.png) > Currency > Add Currency.

3. Select the Currency code you want to add and enter the conversion amount in EUR. You can also check the conversion using Google Currency Converter.

4. Click Save.


You can add multiple currencies.

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