
The Syncro modules allow you to monitor, create, update, list, and delete the customers, tickets, and leads in your Syncro account.

Getting Started with Syncro


  • A Syncro account

In order to use Syncro with Integromat, it is necessary to have a Syncro account. If you do not have one, you can create a Syncro account at

Note: The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Integromat scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Syncro to Integromat

To connect your Syncro account to Integromat you need to obtain the Access Token from your Syncro account and insert it in the Create a connection dialog in the Integromat module.

1. Log in to your Syncro account.

2. Click Your Profile Icon > Settings > API Tokens > New Token > Custom Permissions.

3. Enter a name for the token, select permissions, and click Create API Token

4. Copy the API token to your clipboard and store it in a safe place.

5. Go to Integromat and open the Syncro module's Create a connection dialog.

6. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

7. In the Domain Name field, enter your Syncro account's URL address domain name. For example, if your account's URL is, then the domain is xyz.

8. In the Access Token field, enter the token copied in step 4, and click Continue.

The connection has been established,


See the Setting Up Syncro Webhooks to add webhooks to your Syncro account.

Watch New Customer

Triggers when a new customer has been created.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.

Search Customer

Searches for customers or lists them all.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.
Sort FieldSelect or map the field to sort the customers. For example, first name.
Sort OrderSelect or map the order in which you want to sort the customers. For example, Ascending.
Search QueryEnter (map) the keyword or phrase to search the customers that match the query.
First NameEnter (map) the customer's first name to search for the customers that match the name.
Last NameEnter (map) the customer's last name to search for the customers that match the name.
Business NameEnter (map) the business name to search for the customers that match the name.
Customer IDSelect or map the Customer ID to search for the customer that matches the specified ID.
Exclude IDSelect or map the Exclude ID to search for the customer that matches the specified ID.
EmailEnter (map) the email address to search the customers with the specified email address.
Include DisabledSelect whether you want to return the list of customers that includes disabled customers.
LimitSet the maximum number of customers Integromat should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Customer

Retrieves a single customer specified by ID.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.
Customer IDSelect or map the Customer ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Customer

Creates a new customer.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.
Business NameEnter (map) the customer's business name.
First NameEnter (map) the customer's first name.
Last NameEnter (map) the customer's last name.
EmailEnter (map) the customer's email address.
Phone Enter (map) the customer's contact phone number.
MobileEnter (map) the customer's contact mobile number.
AddressEnter (map) the customer's or company's street name.
Address2Enter (map) the customer's or company's street name.
CityEnter (map) the customer's or company's city name.
StateEnter (map) the customer's or company's state name.
ZIPEnter (map) the customer's or company's area ZIP code.
NotesEnter (map) any additional information about the customer.
Get SMSSelect whether you want to enable the SMS for the customer.
Opt OutSelect whether the customer has an opt-out of marketing emails.
No EmailSelect whether the customer has an email address.
Get BillingSelect whether you want to get billing information about the customer.
Get MarketingSelect whether you want to get marketing information about the customer.
Get ReportsSelect whether you retrieve reports for the customer.
Reference Customer IDEnter (map) the Customer Reference ID of the customer.
Referred ByEnter (map) the referrer's name or ID who referred Syncro to the customer.
Tax Rate IDEnter (map) the customer's Tax Rate ID.
Notification EmailsAdd the email addresses to whom to notify about the invoices.
Invoice CC EmailsAdd the email address to add in the CC field of the notification email about the invoice.
Invoice Term IDEnter (map) the customer's Invoice Term ID.
PropertiesAdd the customer properties key and their values. For example, the customer's date of birth.

Update a Customer

Updates a customer as specified by ID.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.
Customer IDSelect or map the Customer ID whose details you want to update.
Business NameEnter (map) the customer's business name.
First NameEnter (map) the customer's first name.
Last NameEnter (map) the customer's last name.
EmailEnter (map) the customer's email address.
Phone Enter (map) the customer's contact phone number.
MobileEnter (map) the customer's contact mobile number.
AddressEnter (map) the customer's or company's street name.
Address2Enter (map) the customer's or company's street name.
CityEnter (map) the customer's or company's city name.
StateEnter (map) the customer's or company's state name.
ZIPEnter (map) the customer's or company's area ZIP code.
NotesEnter (map) any additional information about the customer.
Get SMSSelect whether you want to enable the SMS for the customer.
Opt OutSelect whether the customer has an opt-out of marketing emails.
No EmailSelect whether the customer has an email address.
Get BillingSelect whether the customer will receive emails about the billing information.
Get MarketingSelect whether the customer will receive the marketing information.
Get ReportsSelect whether the customer will receive the email about their reports.
Reference Customer IDEnter (map) the Customer Reference ID of the customer.
Referred ByEnter (map) the referrer's name or ID who referred Syncro to the customer.
Tax Rate IDEnter (map) the customer's Tax Rate ID.
Notification EmailsAdd the email addresses to whom to notify about the invoices.
Invoice CC EmailsAdd the email address to add in the CC field of the notification email about the invoice.
Invoice Term IDEnter (map) the customer's Invoice Term ID.
PropertiesAdd the customer properties key and their values. For example, the customer's date of birth.

Delete a Customer

Deletes a customer specified by ID.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.
Customer IDSelect or map the Customer ID you want to delete.


See the Setting Up Syncro Webhooks to add webhooks in your Syncro account.

Watch Ticket

Triggers when a ticket has been created, updated, or resolved.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.

Search Tickets

Searches for tickets or lists them all.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.
Customer IDSelect or map the Customer ID whose tickets you want to search.
Contact IDSelect or map the Contact ID whose tickets you want to search.
NumberEnter (map) the ticket number you want to search.
Resolve AfterEnter (map) the date to list the tickets that were resolved on or after the specified date.
Since Updated AtEnter (map) the date to list the tickets that were updated on the specified date.
StatusEnter (map) the status of the ticket to search for the tickets that match the specified status. For example, In Progress.
Search QueryEnter (map) the keyword or phrase to search the tickets that match the query.
EmailEnter (map) the customer's email address whose tickets you want to search.
User IDSelect or map the User ID whose tickets you want to search.
MineSelect whether you search the tickets that were assigned or created by you.
Ticket Search IDSelect or map the Ticket ID whose details you want to search.
LimitSet the maximum number of tickets Integromat should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Ticket

Retrieves a single ticket specified by ID.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.

Create a Ticket

Creates a new ticket.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.
Customer IDSelect or map the Customer ID whose ticket you are creating.
SubjectEnter (map) the subject line of the ticket.
NumberEnter (map) the ticket number.
Due DateEnter (map) the date by which the ticket must be resolved.
Start AtEnter (map) the date on which the work on the ticket starts.
End AtEnter (map) the date on which the work on the ticket ends.
Ticket Type IDEnter (map) the Ticket Type ID. For example, Regular maintenance.
Location IDEnter (map) the ticket's Location ID. For example, Online.
Problem TypeEnter (map) the problem type of the ticket. For example, bug.
StatusEnter (map) the ticket status. For example, In review.
User IDSelect or map the User ID to whom the ticket is assigned.
Properties Add the ticket property key and its value. For example, device.
Asset IDsAdd the required Asset IDs for the ticket. For example, software.
Signature NameEnter (map) the applicable signature name for the ticket.
Signature DataEnter (map) the signature data.
SLA IDEnter (map) the SLA ID applicable to the ticket. For example, high.
Contact IDSelect or map the Contact ID for the ticket.
PriorityEnter (map) the priority of the ticket. For example, urgent.
Outtake Form DataEnter (map) the effort details of the ticket.
Outtake From Date Enter (map) the date of the outtake efforts.
Outtake From NameEnter (map) the name of the outtake.
Comments AttributesAdd the comments for the ticket:
SubjectEnter (map) the subject line of the comment for the ticket.
BodyEnter (map) the comment text.
HiddenSelect whether you hide the comments from the members.
SMS BodyEnter (map) the message box text to notify the members.
Do not EmailSelect whether you do not want to email the comment notification to the members.
TechEnter (map) the developer name who has posted the comment.

Update a Ticket

Updates a ticket specified by ID.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.
Ticket IDSelect or map the Ticket ID whose details you want to update.
Customer IDSelect or map the Customer ID to whom the ticket belongs to.
SubjectEnter (map) the subject line of the ticket.
NumberEnter (map) the ticket number.
Due DateEnter (map) the date by which the ticket must be resolved.
Start AtEnter (map) the date on which the work on the ticket starts.
End AtEnter (map) the date on which the work on the ticket ends.
Ticket Type IDEnter (map) the Ticket Type ID. For example, Regular maintenance.
Location IDEnter (map) the ticket's Location ID. For example, Online.
Problem TypeEnter (map) the problem type of the ticket. For example, bug.
StatusEnter (map) the ticket status. For example, In review.
User IDSelect or map the User ID to whom the ticket is assigned.
Properties Add the ticket property key and its value. For example, device.
Asset IDsAdd the required Asset IDs for the ticket. For example, software.
Signature NameEnter (map) the applicable signature name for the ticket.
Signature DataEnter (map) the signature data.
SLA IDEnter (map) the SLA ID applicable to the ticket. For example, high.
Contact IDSelect or map the Contact ID for the ticket.
PriorityEnter (map) the priority of the ticket. For example, urgent.
Outtake from DataEnter (map) the effort details of the ticket.
Outtake from Date Enter (map) the date of the outtake efforts.
Outtake from NameEnter (map) the name of the outtake.
Comments AttributeAdd the comments for the ticket:
SubjectEnter (map) the subject line of the comment for the ticket.
BodyEnter (map) the comment text.
HiddenSelect whether you hide the comments from the members.
SMS BodyEnter (map) the message box text to notify the members.
Do Not EmailSelect whether you do not want to email the comment notification to the members.
TechEnter (map) the developer name who has posted the comment.

Delete a Ticket

Deletes a ticket specified by ID.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.
Ticket IDSelect or map the Ticket ID you want to delete.


Search Leads

Searches for leads or lists them all.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.
Statuses ListSelect or map the status of the leads you want to search.
Search QueryEnter (map) the keyword or phrase to search the leads that match the query.
UsersSelect or map the users whose associated leads you want to search.
Mailbox IDsEnter (map) comma-separated Mailbox IDs to search the leads associated with the specified IDs.
Has TicketSelect whether the lead has any existing tickets.
LimitSet the maximum number of leads Integromat should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Lead

Retrieves a single lead specified by ID.


ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.
Lead IDSelect or map the Lead ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Lead

Creates a new lead.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.
AddressEnter (map) the address of the lead.
Business NameEnter (map) the lead's business name.
CityEnter (map) the lead's city name.
ZIPEnter (map) the lead's postal code.
ConvertedSelect whether the lead is converted to a customer. 
Message ReadSelect whether the lead can read the messages.
DisabledSelect whether the lead is disabled.
EmailEnter (map) the lead's email address.
First NameEnter (map) the lead's first name.
Last NameEnter (map) the lead's last name.
MobileEnter (map) the lead's mobile number.
PhoneEnter (map) the lead's phone number.
StateEnter (map) the lead's state or province name.
Ticket DescriptionEnter (map) the lead's ticket details.
Ticket Problem TypeEnter (map) the lead's ticket problem type. For example, bug.
Ticket SubjectEnter (map) the lead's ticket subject line.
Location IDEnter (map) the lead's Location ID.
From Check-InSelect whether lead can check-ín.
Customer IDSelect or map the lead's Customer ID.
Ticket IDSelect or map the lead's Ticket ID.
Hidden NotesEnter (map) the note text about the lead which is shared internally.
Contact IDSelect or map the Contact ID of the lead.
Appointment NameEnter (map) the lead's appointment name.
StatusSelect or map the lead's opportunity. For example, Won.
User IDSelect or map the User ID assigned to the lead.
Ticket Type IDEnter (map) the Ticket Type ID of the lead.
Mailbox IDEnter (map) the lead's Mailbox ID.
Opportunity Start DateEnter (map) the date when the opportunity with the lead has started.
Opportunity Amount DollarsEnter (map) the amount you will earn from this opportunity.
LikelihoodEnter (map) the amount of likelihood that lead will be closed successfully.
PropertiesAdd the lead's property key and its value. For example, lead's address.
Ticket PropertiesAdd the lead's ticket properties. For example, ticket number.
Customer Purchase IDEnter (map) the Customer Purchase ID related to the lead.
Signature DateEnter (map) the lead's signature date.
Signature NameEnter (map) the name that appears on the lead's signature.
Signature DataEnter (map) the lead's signature data.
Appointment Type IDEnter (map) the lead's Appointment Type ID.

Update a Lead

Updates a lead specified by ID.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.
Lead ID Select or map the Lead ID whose details you want to update.
AddressEnter (map) the address of the lead.
Business NameEnter (map) the lead's business name.
City Enter (map) the lead's city name.
ZIPEnter (map) the lead's area postal code.
ConvertedSelect whether the lead is converted to a customer.
Message ReadSelect whether the lead can read the messages.
DisabledSelect whether the lead is disabled.
EmailEnter (map) the lead's email address.
First NameEnter (map) the lead's first name.
Last NameEnter (map) the lead's last name.
MobileEnter (map) the lead's mobile number.
PhoneEnter (map) the lead's phone number.
StateEnter (map) the lead's state or province name.
Ticket DescriptionEnter (map) the lead's ticket details.
Ticket Problem TypeEnter (map) the lead's ticket problem type. For example, bug.
Ticket SubjectEnter (map) the lead's ticket subject line.
Location IDEnter (map) the lead's Location ID.
From Check-InSelect whether lead can check-ín.
Customer IDSelect or map the lead's Customer ID.
Ticket IDSelect or map the lead's Ticket ID.
Hidden NotesEnter (map) the note text about the lead which is shared internally.
Contact IDSelect or map the Contact ID of the lead.
Appointment TimeEnter (map) the lead's appointment name.
StatusSelect or map the lead's opportunity. For example, Won.
User IDSelect or map the User ID assigned to the lead.
Ticket Type IDEnter (map) the Ticket Type ID of the lead.
Mailbox IDEnter (map) the lead's Mailbox ID.
Opportunity Start DateEnter (map) the date when the opportunity with the lead has started.
Opportunity Amount DollarsEnter (map) the amount you will earn from this opportunity.
LikelihoodEnter (map) the amount of likelihood that lead will be closed successfully.
PropertiesAdd the lead's property key and its value. For example, lead's address.
Ticket PropertiesAdd the lead's ticket properties. For example, ticket number.
Customer Purchase IDEnter (map) the Customer Purchase ID related to the lead.
Signature DateEnter (map) the lead's signature date.
Signature NameEnter (map) the name that appears on the lead's signature.
Signature DataEnter (map) the lead's signature data.
Appointment Type IDEnter (map) the lead's Appointment Type ID.

Invoices and Payments

See the Setting Up Syncro Webhooks to add webhooks in your Syncro account.

Watch New Invoice

Triggers when a new invoice has been added.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.

Watch New Payment

Triggers when a new payment has been added.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.


See the Setting Up Syncro Webhooks to add webhooks in your Syncro account.

Watch New RMM Alert

Triggers when a new RMM alert has been added.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.


Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Syncro account.

Enter a path relative to For example: /v1/orders

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Syncro API Documentation.

Select the HTTP method you want to use:

to retrieve information for an entry.

to create a new entry.

to update/replace an existing entry.

to make a partial entry update.

to delete an entry.

HeadersEnter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.
Query StringEnter the request query string.
BodyEnter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - Get Customers

The following API call returns all the customers from your Syncro account:



Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > customers

In our example, 4 customers were returned:

Setting Up Syncro Webhooks

1. Open any Watch module, enter a name for the webhook, and click Save. Copy the URL address to your clipboard and save the trigger.

2. Log in to your Syncro account. Click Your Account Name > Settings > Notifications Center > New Notification Set.

3. Enter a name for the webhook, select the users to notify about the event, in the Webhook URL field, enter the URL address copied in step 1, and select the events for which you want to receive the notifications. 

4. Click Create Notification Set.

The webhook is successfully created. You will receive notifications when a new customer is created.

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