
The Textline modules allow you to monitor, create, update, send, retrieve, list, and delete the announcements, agents, conversations, and customers in your Textline account.

Getting Started with Textline


  • A Textline account - you can create a Textline account at textline.com/.

The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Integromat scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Textline to Integromat

To connect your Textline account to Integromat you need to obtain an access token from your Textline account and insert it in the Create a connection dialog in the Integromat module.

1. Log in to your Textline account.

2. Click Settings > Tools & Integrations > Developer API

3. Copy the Access Token to your clipboard.

4. Go to Integromat and open the Textline module's Create a connection dialog.

5. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

6. In the Access Token field, enter the token copied in step 4, and click Continue.

The connection has been established.


See the Setting Up Textline Webhooks to add the webhooks in your Textline account.

Watch Customers

Triggers when a customer has been created or updated.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.

Search Customers

Searches for customers or lists them all.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.
SearchEnter (map) a keyword or phrase to search the customers that match the specified criteria.
LimitSet the maximum number of customers Integromat will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Customer

Retrieves a customer.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.
Customer UUIDSelect or map the Customer UUID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Customer

Creates a new customer.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.
Phone NumberSelect or map the phone number of the customer. For example, (222) 222-2222.
EmailEnter (map) the email address of the customer.
NameEnter (map) the customer name.
NotesEnter (map) the additional information about the customer.
TagsAdd the tags for the customer.
Custom FieldsAdd the custom fields and their values. For example, address.
Note: To update the custom field for a customer, you must first get the custom field's UUID and use that to replace field_uuid.

Update a Customer

Updates a customer.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.
Customer UUIDSelect or map the Customer UUID whose details you want to update. For example, (222) 222-2222.
EmailEnter (map) the email address of the customer.
NameEnter (map) the customer name.
NotesEnter (map) the additional information about the customer.
TagsAdd the tags for the customer.
ArchivedSelect whether the customer is archived.
Custom FieldsAdd the custom fields and their values. For example, address.
Note: To update the custom field for a customer, you must first get the custom field's UUID and use that to replace field_uuid. 

Import a Message as a Customer

Imports a post into your account as if the customer sent an SMS to your account.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.
Phone NumberSelect or map the phone number of the contact whose conversation message you want to retrieve. For example, (222) 222-2222
BodyEnter (map) the message text.
Group UUIDSelect or map the Group UUID to which the contact belongs.


See the Setting Up Textline Webhooks to add the webhooks in your Textline account.

Watch Agent Status

Triggers when an agent's status has been changed.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.

Search Agents

Searches for agents or lists them all.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.
Agent UUIDSelect or map the Agent UUID whose details you want to list.
EmailEnter (map) the email address to list the agents that match the specified email address.
LimitSet the maximum number of agents Integromat should return during one execution cycle.

Update Agent Status

Updates an agent's status.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.
Agent UUIDSelect or map the Agent UUID whose status you want to update.
AvailableSelect the checkbox to make the agent status to available.


See the Setting Up Textline Webhooks to add the webhooks in your Textline account.

Watch Customer Posts

Triggers when a message from a customer has been received.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.

Watch Outbound Messages

Triggers when an outbound message has been sent.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.

Watch Conversation Status

Triggers when a conversation status has been changed.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.

Watch Whisper

Triggers when a whisper from an agent has been received.

Webhook NameEnter a name for the webhook.
ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.

Message a Phone Number

Sends an outbound message to a phone number.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.
Phone NumberEnter (map) the phone number to which you want to send the message.
BodyEnter (map) the message text you want to send.
ResolveSelect the checkbox to resolve the message text after sending the message. 
Group UUIDSelect or map the Group UUID of the department from which you want to retrieve conversations. If you are not using a department UUID then the message will go out on your first department. 
AttachmentsAdd the URL addresses of the attachments which you want to attach to the message.

Message a Conversation

Sends an outbound message to a conversation.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.
Conversation UUIDSelect or map the Conversation UUID you want to message.
BodyEnter (map) the message text you want to send.
ResolveSelect the checkbox to resolve the message text after sending the message. 
AttachmentsAdd the URL addresses of the attachments which you want to attach to the message.


Send a Survey

Sends a new survey.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.
Survey UUIDSelect or map the Survey UUID you want to send.
Selection TypeSelect or map the option to send the survey:
  • Phone Numbers
  • Saved Searches
  • Tags
TagsAdd the survey tags separated by a comma.
Phone NumbersAdd the phone number of the contacts to whom you want to send the survey.
Saved Search UUIDEnter (map) the saved Search UUID to whom you want to send the survey.


Send an Announcement

Sends an announcement to a group of contacts.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.
Selection TypeSelect or map the option to send the announcement:
  • Phone Numbers
  • Saved Searches
  • Tags
TagsAdd the tags of the contact separated by a comma to send the announcement that matches the specified tag.
Phone NumbersAdd the phone number of the contacts to whom you want to send the announcement.
Group UUIDSelect or map the Group UUID to whose contact you want to send the announcement.
Comment BodyEnter (map) the announcement text.
TitleEnter (map) a title for the announcement.
Resolve on SendA true/false value to set whether the conversation opened after an announcement is sent should be resolved. This does not affect conversations open before the announcement is sent. 
Assignment Target UUIDEnter (map) the UUID of the agent that should be assigned any conversations created (and opened) as a result of the announcement.
Reply Window ValueEnter (map) time in seconds after which any message sent in by the contact should be considered a reply to the announcement.
Reply Assignment Target UUIDSelect or map the UUID of the agent that should be assigned any conversations opened as a result of a contact replying to the announcement. 


Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

ConnectionEstablish a connection to your Textline account.

Enter a path relative to https://application.textline.com/api  For example: /organizations.json

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Textline API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

to retrieve information for an entry.

to create a new entry.

to update/replace an existing entry.

to make a partial entry update.

to delete an entry.

HeadersEnter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.
Query StringEnter the request query string.
BodyEnter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - List Surveys

The following API call returns all the surveys from your Textline account:



Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > data
In our example, 2 surveys were returned:

Setting Up Textline Webhooks

1. Open any Watch module, establish a connection and copy the URL address to your clipboard. Click OK and save the trigger.

2. Log in to your Textline account. 

3. Click Settings > Tools & Integrations > Developer API > New Webhook

4. Enter the following details:

  • Type: Select the type of event you want to watch
  • URL: Enter (map) the URL address copied in step 1
  • Method: Select the HTTPS request method.

5. Click Save.

The webhook is successfully set up. Go back to Integromat and run the scenario module to receive triggers when the specified event occurs.

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