Viral Loops

The Viral Loops modules allow you to watch milestones, register new user, and list the participants of your campaigns in your Viral Loops account.

Getting Started with Viral Loops


  • A Viral Loops account

In order to use Viral Loops with Integromat, it is necessary to have a Viral Loops account. You can create a Viral Loops account at

The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Integromat scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Viral Loops to Integromat

To connect your Viral Loops account to Integromat you need to obtain the API Token from your Viral Loops account and insert it in the Create a connection dialog in the Integromat module.

1. Log in to your Viral Loops account.

2. Open the campaign for which you want to establish a connection and click Edit > Installation.


3. Copy the API Token to your clipboard.



4. Go to Integromat and open the Viral Loops module's Create a connection dialog.


5. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

6. In the API Token field, enter the API key details copied in step 3, and click Continue.

The connection has been established.

Milestone Campaigns

Watch New Participant

Triggers when someone joins our campaign.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.
Connection Establish a connection to your Viral Loops account.

See the Connecting to Viral Loops Webhook using Integromat to add the webhook to your Viral Loops account.

Watch New Reward

Triggers when you redeem a reward via your campaign dashboard.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.
Connection Establish a connection to your Viral Loops account.

See the Connecting to Viral Loops Webhook using Integromat to add the webhook to your Viral Loops account.

Watch Reached Milestone

Triggers when someone reaches a milestone.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.
Connection Establish a connection to your Viral Loops account.

See the Connecting to Viral Loops Webhook using Integromat to add the webhook to your Viral Loops account.

Register a User

Registers a new user.

Connection Establish a connection to your Viral Loops account.
Email Enter the email address of the user.
First Name Enter the user's first name.
Last Name Enter the user's last name.
Extra Data

Add the extra data:


Enter the custom field name. For example, Company.


Enter the field value. For example, company name.

Referral Source Enter the details from where you received the source details. For example, Webinar. 

List Participants Data

Retrieves information about your participants.

Connection Establish a connection to your Viral Loops account.
Limit Set the maximum number of participants Integromat should return during one scenario execution cycle.


Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Connection Establish a connection to your Viral Loops account.

Enter a path relative to For example: v2/participant_data

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Viral Loops API Documentation.

Select the HTTP method you want to use:

to retrieve information for an entry.

to create a new entry.

to update/replace an existing entry.

to make a partial entry update.

to delete an entry.

Headers Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.
Query String Enter the request query string.
Body Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - Get Participants

The following API call returns the participants from your Viral Loops account:




Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > data
In our example, 3 participants were returned:


Connecting Viral Loops Webhook using Integromat

1. Open any Watch module, establish a connection as mentioned in the respective modules, Click OK, and copy the URL address to your clipboard. Save the trigger.


2. Log in to your Viral Loops account. Go to the Campaign in which you want to add the webhook.

3. Click Edit > Integration > Enable the Webhook.

4. Enable the endpoint, in the Endpoint URL field, enter the URL address copied in step 1, and click Save.


The webhook is added successfully.

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